Dra. Azucena Murillo Olivas

Pediatric Cardiology


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A physical exam does not cause pain but does require the child to be prepared psychologically. The doctor performs a detailed and ordered observation of the patient’s body that permits determining the presence or absence of heath problems. The exam relies on measurement instruments such as a weight scales, stethoscope, lamps, blood pressure monitors, etc.

The medical record is a document that includes the confidential information necessary for the correct care of patients. The medical record is developed by means of an interview of the child’s parents.
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It’s a measure of the association between weight and height that allows us to determine if the weight is healthy for the height. A weight above normal overcharges the heart and can lead to serious health problems such as hypertension, diabetes and orthopedic problems.

See an
BMI calculator.
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It's a simple, painless test that has no risks for the patient. It is very useful for diagnosing various afflictions. Learn more...
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An echocardiogram is similar to a sonogram many women have had before a child was born; however, the echocardiogram focuses specifically on the heart and blood vessels around the heart. Learn more...
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A pediatric cardiologist performs the fetal echocardiogram. The test may be carried out using abdominal or transvaginal ultrasound. Learn more...
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A Holter monitor is a 24-hour recording of the electrical activity of the heart. The monitor is a diagnostic tool used to record the rate and rhythm of the heart. Irregularities such as fast heart rate (tachycardia) slow heart rate (bradycardia), and abnormal rhythms of the heart can be recorded. Learn more...
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The exercise test is a valuable tool for gaining information about a child's heart and heart functioning, and their aerobic fitness. Most tests of the heart are done with a person at rest, but most of the time people are active. Exercise testing can give information about how the heart responds to the extra demands of activity. Learn more…
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It’s a support technique that allows us to take serial measurements of blood pressure (BP) during a certain period of time (typically 24 hours), performed in an ambulatory manner, by means of placing a sphygmomanometer connected to a recorder that automatically performs the measurements, which are later on analyzed by the physician. Learn more...
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Cardiac catheterization is a procedure that involves puncturing an artery or vein, usually located in the groin, so that a small, long, flexible tube (catheter) can be guided into the heart and major vessels around the heart. Learn more...
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Interventional Catheterization is a type of catheterization in which certain types of treatments can be applied with special catheters. This type of catheters have balloons at their tip with which arteries and valves that are narrow can be opened. Other catheters are used to implant devices such as stents, coils and intracardiac devices to close or keep open certain heart blood vessels. Learn more...

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